Getting to know mom better!!

blogheader We were nominated for the Liebster award!!  by Jeanne Foguth’s Blog!!! It’s all about getting to know bloggers better! Thanks Jeanne!!!! You’re the coolest!!! We’re going to let mom answer these questions, but I’ll be back tomorrow!008


The rules are:

1. Thank the person what nominated you. Done!!!

2. Answer 11 questions. Answer’s below!

3. Compose 11 questions. Following the answers!

4. Nominate and notify new blogs. It’s so hard to choose from so many wonderful blogs. How about I post the questions and you can answer if you want to?!

5. Post the Award Badge and Rules. Done!!

Here are Jeanne’s questions (with my answers in color)

1. Do you have interests that keep you busy, but that you don’t blog about? I have 4 other blogs plus a shared one and you would think that would cover my interests, but they don’t! However, I have to balance blogging versus other stuff otherwise blogging would easily take over my life.

2. Be Honest: Do you read long posts from beginning to end? Or do you quickly skim through the post, scroll to the end and hit the Like button? Depending on the day and time I have, I generally save the extra long posts and go back to them – sometimes weeks later! — It’s okay if you want to skip this long post and just hit like!!! I don’t mind!!!

3. Do you prefer to read the book or watch the movie? If I read the book and love it I won’t watch the movie for fear of being disappointed. If I’ve watched the movie then I will definitely read the book. The only case where I’ve found the book and movie are equally good is To Kill a Mockingbird and the Harry Potter saga. I have both read the books and watched the movies multiple, multiple times.

4. When making decisions, do you go by gut feeling or reason?  I pray, think on it, pray some more, listen to my heart, listen to reason, and eventually come to a decision. I am not a snap decision maker.

5. Do you still send hand-written letters or cards, or do you send emails and whatsapp?  I do both depending on if I have someone’s mailing address or email.mail-copy

6. If you could go on a time travel for the day, to where and when would you go? I can’t imagine living in any other time. I am where I am meant to be and I’m okay with it.

7. Do you know any poems by heart? No, not really. I do know Psalm 23, a few nursery rhymes, and a few quotes.

8. Which conspiracy theory do you like best or think is weirdest? I don’t pay any attention to conspiracy theories – it’s a waste of brain time for me.the-creepiest-conspiracy-theories

9. Imagine there’s suddenly no power for 3 months. Would you be prepared? No electricity? Been there, done that. 3 months is a long time but I’d muddle through.garf-power

10. What’s your favorite Music and Movie Genre? Music – classic rock, classic country, and classical. Movie – drama, clean humor (as opposed to raunchy humor), adventure 

11. Are you a night owl or are you up with the lark? A night owl with a lark job. I don’t sleep much. download


Here are my questions should you choose to answer them!

  1. Do you go to the public library or purchase the books you want to read?
  2. If you purchase books, do you go to a mega-book store, a locally-owned bookstore, or on-line?
  3. How many books do you read in a year (on average) Include audio books!
  4. Do you rent, borrow or purchase the movies you watch at home?
  5. Pets? What type and how many?
  6. Your favorite color? Your least favorite color?
  7. The best day of the week is ______.
  8. Your favorite quote is _____.
  9. What is your dream job?
  10. What does your dream house look like?
  11. What type of dream car would you like to own?

That’s it – now I’m turning the blog back over to the kitties. They’ll be back tomorrow for Friday Fill-ins!!!!

054 Thanks mom; but I’m busy right now. Maybe later.



We are awarded…

liebsterSurprise! We were nominated by Art is Not for Sissies, Friday Art Cat feature for a Liebster award!! If you aren’t familiar with a Liebster award it is a shout out between bloggers to introduce those with a smaller number of followers to more readers! For us, it’s just another excuse to answer cool questions!!! Here are the rules:

  • Acknowledge the blogger that nominated you
  • Answer the questions the nominating blogger asks by posting on your own blog
  • Nominate 10 bloggers with under 200 followers, or so
  • Inform the bloggers you have nominated them
  • Post 10 questions for the new nominees to answer

Here are our answers to the questions!

What motivated you to start blogging? Why do you blog?

lb aThis was originally  LadyBird’s blog – she was a senior chihuahua who mom adopted from her uncle when her aunt died. Mom thought LadyBird would enjoy having a blog and new adventures to share! Unfortunately, Ladybird was only with us for just over a year so I asked mom to if I could take over – if only to make her feel better.

Who or what inspires you to write or create?

0105a Simply, the madness that goes on around me. I’ve been with mom for 10 years and in that time I’ve seen 10 cats come and go, a little dog to live with us, a BIG dog visit us, 3 short moves and 2 big moves. If I didn’t have blogging I would just hide in a box.

What is one interesting thing that happened to you this summer?

0625a I met a raccoon!! Only through a glass door – he was bigger than me!!!

Do you have any pets? How many? What are their names?

040I only have one – my mom!! I do have servants – 4 – Simon, BobbieSue, PeggySue and MerryBelle

What is your favorite season of the year? Why?

happy fallAutumn is my favorite time of year! I love the cooler weather after a hot summer, the sound of falling leaves and the smell of wood burning in fireplaces. Besides, orange is the color of fall!

If you could hop into a reliable time machine, where/when would you go? Why?

ancient egyptAncient Egypt! Cats were worshiped as gods and the pyramids look really cool!

Tell us about your office or studio.

computer cIt’s a small room with lots of books and creative stuff to keep my pet busy while I watch over her from her work table. 

Books or movies? If you had to choose one over the other.

loc banner 2Books, definitely. They don’t require electricity (unless you use an e-reader and we don’t) – really the only thing you need is a brain!! Also, my servants and I have a book review blog called the Library of Cats. We all read and review our favorite books. You can click on our logo to go to it if you want!!

Your best post, in your opinion, and a link to it.

a to z reveal geo washingtonMy A to Z Challenge this past April. Mom and I did a lot of research and we both think its our best post(s)! Click on my photo as George Washington. We wrote about presidential pets and had great fun doing it!!

Advice you have for anyone who might want to start blogging.

pb dayJust DO IT! Don’t worry about if you’ll get other followers or not – if it’s for your own creative expression and personal satisfaction then it will be outstanding and the followers will come. YOU do have a lot to say, don’t you? Well, then, Say It!!!


So, there you have it!!! Thank you again to Art is Not for Sissies, Friday Art Cat feature for the nom!! Now on to nominating 10 other bloggers.  The bloggers I follow are a pretty busy folks and so may not have the time to accept the nom (it’s taken my secretary/pet and I 5 hours just to do this post!) so I’m going to break a rule here and nominate anyone who wants to grab the badge and answer some questions. 

liebster-awardHere are my questions for anyone who wants to answer them!

  1. Do you believe in Santa Claus? If you do, what was your favorite toy he brought you?
  2. Pringles or Lay’s or some other brand of potato chip?
  3. What is your favorite item of clothing to wear and why?
  4. If you watched Downton Abbey, who was your favorite character?
  5. What was your best subject in high school? Your worst?
  6. Do you have a favorite artist? Who is it? (Art is in the eye of the beholder, so what you consider art is up to you!)
  7. Do you recylce?
  8. What is your favorite holiday?
  9. If you like hymns, what is your favorite?
  10. Iced tea – sweet or unsweet? Plain or fruit flavored?

Happy Labor Day!!!!

This is what I’m doing: 0821a