I went to Earth Day!

So my mom has been away from the computer fora few days and a lot has happened – I’ve got three different posts waiting in the wings for you! But first – I went to Earth Day at Mount Trashmore yesterday. It was nice to get out of the the house on a beautiful day but mom made me walk ALOT and I tired by the time we got to Granmama’s that afternoon. But I had fun – here are some pictures I took (I forgot to take some selfies and ones of Bella; oh well, there’s always our next adventure! Really, I can’t be expected remember everything – mom has to do some of the work!) Enjoy the photos. Barkingly Yours, LadyBird


Mount Trashmore is the perfect place to hold an Earth Day - it's made of trash!!

Mount Trashmore is the perfect place to hold an Earth Day – it’s made of trash!!

In front of the mountain the kids from the Governor's School of the Arts were painting a dumpster.

In front of the mountain the kids from the Governor’s School of the Arts were painting a dumpster.

A view of the food trucks - which we didn't visit (bummer!)

A view of the food trucks – which we didn’t visit (bummer!)

A sweet little dachshund training to be a therapy dog we met along the way.

A sweet little dachshund training to be a therapy dog we met along the way.

A walking oyster!!!

A walking oyster!!!

He was advocating keeping the bay clean for the oysters!

He was advocating keeping the bay clean for the oysters!

Virginia Aquarium was there with some touchable crustaceans!

Virginia Aquarium was there with some touchable crustaceans!

I know, it looks like I took a picture of a man's shirt - but I was trying for the owl behind him. He is from a group that rescues wild animals. The owl in the back can no longer fly so he is an animal ambassador now.

I know, it looks like I took a picture of a man’s shirt – but I was trying for the owl behind him. He is from a group that rescues wild animals. The owl in the back can no longer fly so he is an animal ambassador now.

No, not another shirt - but a red tailed hawk who has arthritis and cannot fly. He's an animal ambassador, too. Did you know that it against the law to bother a raptor (hawk, eagle, etc) - even collect it's feathers?

No, not another shirt – but a red tailed hawk who has arthritis and cannot fly. He’s an animal ambassador, too. Did you know that it against the law to bother a raptor (hawk, eagle, etc) – even collect it’s feathers? 

Mom took this one on the way to G's.

Mom took this one on the way to G’s.

The weather was so nice when we got to G's we sat outside for a while.

The weather was so nice when we got to G’s we sat outside for a while.

I'm trying to talk G into some fried chicken for supper.

I’m trying to talk G into some fried chicken for supper.

Success! Here's mom and me waiting in the car (see me in the rear view?) for G to get back with the fried chicken! There she is walking to the car! Yum!!

Success! Here’s mom and me waiting in the car (see me in the rear view?) for G to get back with the fried chicken! There she is walking to the car! Yum!!

sacred friend inc

This is the group with the owl and hawk. They do really good work! Click on the image for a link.

click on the image for a link to the Aquarium!

Chesapeake Bay Foundation - Saving a National Treasure

Click on the image for the link – remember the walking oyster?!


click on the image for a link to their Facebook page to see the completed dumpster!
