Remembrance Day

0828a Today is Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day and we are honoring our cousins who paved the way for the Wrecking Crew. 

rainbow bridge day


Sweet Piper and LadyBird left us last year …



Those who came before the Crew…

baby-agnes lauracleo normanarussell-amyrddin-nimue

mc This is MC – we’re looking for a better photo of him!

And we are remembering Granmama’s two babies that went to the bridge this year…


We are also joining  the Cat on My Head Sunday Selfie – because the photo of me is a selfie!

Cat4-001-300x300 Click on the badge to view more selfies and remembrances.


Reluctant Sunday Selfie

It’s Sunday Selfie Day!!!0522cNice back of the head shot, isn’t it? Mom and I were sitting with my Granmama in the living room. She came over after picking up Frankie from the crematory. I wasn’t ready for selfies or to see Frankie.

Well, maybe I’ll just take a peek. He’s in a nice carved box. I won’t show him to you because I’m sure he wants efurrybody to remember him as he was – a stylish man-cat in a smart tuxedo. 0522d

Frankie, I love you and miss you already but am happy to know you are with your mom and brothers – but we are hoping brother Moose will stay with us for a whole lot longer!0522b

Here’s my proper  Sunday Selfie!0522a


national-lucky-penny-day-may-23 Tomorrow is National Lucky Penny Day! Can you guess who I have a surprise for??? Could it be my LadyLove?


Cat4-001-300x300 The Cat on My Head Sunday Selfies!

cbBadgeBlack300x300 Cat Blogosphere Blog Hop!

Au revoir, Frankie

Frankie Eternity Awaits

Frankie crossed the Rainbow Bridge last night. From August 2000 to May 20, 2016 we were blessed to have wonderful and loving Frankie in our lives. He was one of my first playmates when I moved into mom’s and granmama’s home. He taught me how to be a man-cat and was a joy to know.

We remember him in love and thank all of our friends for purring and praying for him during his final days.

With fond remembrance and love,


An official apology

050916cThis is an official apology for the confusion my momma caused on Mother’s Day with our posts. I gave her a severe talking to about doing any changes to my  our blog without notifying us first! Even though it was to our benefit – I think. At first I thought she was having a grieving moment over Angel LadyBird and wanted to wipe her out. But she reassured me that it was not the case. LadyBird will always be a part of this blog but she isn’t sure if Providence will bless her with another dog or not – but in the meantime she has a house full of felines and she thought the ‘doggiecaperz’ website might be confusing for all the cat blogs we visit.

So, if you missed our Mother’s Day post because of the confusion, here’s a link to it so you can enjoy “A Kitten Story.”

You can be sure the error won’t happen again – especially after Simon and I gave mom the STINK EYE over it!050916a


050916dFrankie update:  He’s hanging in there but still needs your prayers for an blessedly sweet passing. He still eats a little several times a day and follows Granmama around like he always has. He doesn’t meow any more but that may be because of the tumor in his throat. Granmama is keeping a watchful eye on him and if he wants her to help him cross the Bridge, she is sure he will let her know. We thank you for your prayers for him.


Granmama’s baby

A Kitten Story

In honor of Mother’s Day, our momma is taking over the blog today to tell the story!

August 30, 2002 – I go out the front door in the morning to get the paper (I’m living with my mom at this time) and there, on the front porch, to my surprise,  is a mother cat with 5 kittens! Both mom and & I were off to work, so we left out food and water for the mother cat. That afternoon my sister & mom were able to get the mother cat and 4 babies inside. 4 solid black boys! They said they didn’t see any others. But I was sure there were 5! The next morning we gave the new kittens and mom a bath and flea treatment. (Our vet donated the flea treatment! Yay, vets!!)

bath time


That night after the young family had been put to bed I was upstairs when I heard a tiny meow – I ran outside – and there was the 5th kitten!!! He was hidden under the holly bush and had spent a night and a day outside alone. He was reluctant to come to me as I crouched on the ground talking to him; I couldn’t reach under the prickly holly bush. Mom went inside, got Ali and I held her next to me near the bush. The next time he cried out, Ali meowed and out he came from under the bush!! We got him inside, bedded him down with a well deserved meal and rest with his family . The next morning gave we him a bath and flea treatment. He was the only tuxedo (like his Momma). It was Frankie! As an aside, that time alone and bereft of family had a lifelong effect on Frankie; he still wanders through the house with that same  plaintive meow whenever he finds himself alone.frankie's bath


The kittens grew fast and Ali was a very good mother. The babies were still nursing when we found them (or did someone leave them on our door step? We will never know.) In order to tell the boys apart, they all got different colored collars.  My sister took two of the boys, Armand and Jade (burgundy and green collars). Mom kept the other three, plus Ali.playtime


Moose, Koal and Frankie settled in immediately.



We loved these boys! They’re all angels now, with the exception of Moose and Frankie.



Mom and I take the boys to the vet for their first check up. It went well, all healthy!vet time


My cat, Laura and mom’s other cat, Thursday, did not take well to the kittens.

laura and thursday


The kittens grew up healthy and happy but their mom was not to see it. October 10, 2002, mom found Ali on the bathroom floor in respiratory distress. We rushed her to the Emergency Vets but by the time we arrived there it was too late, she was already gone. We were shocked by the suddenness of her death – she was fine up until the moment she collapsed. The vet performed a brief necropsy – he said that her internal organs were all out of sorts, like she had been hit by a car or fallen or been hurt on purpose. Her diaphragm had been herniated and the heart sack was infiltrated by the other organs. He said he was surprised she had lived as long as she did.

Whatever happened to her happened before she came to live with us. What ever it was she was able to make sure her babies had a safe home and that they were weaned completely before letting go of them.


We want to honor all the cat and dog moms out there who care for and sacrifice their lives for the safety of their babies.

And we want to honor all human moms who sacrifice for the safety of their children – whether those children have two legs or four – You are a special and loved!! Thank you for your Love!!!

Mothers Day 5.8.2016

Cat4-001-300x300  Cat on My Head Sunday Selfies Blog Hop

cb-blog-links-isis-mothers-day-5.8.2016  Cat Blogosphere Blog Hop