Friday Fill-In Time!!

Are you ready for some Friday Fill-ins???? I am! Let’s go!! My answers are in Red this week and mom’s will be in Blue!!

1. My favorite thing on my daily to-do list is EAT, bathe, and sleep – in that order!! My favorite thing on my daily to-do list is coming home each night to my furbabies, laying on my bed and letting them crawl all over me saying hello.156

2. My least favorite thing on my daily to-do list is say goodbye to mom in the morning when she goes to work.  My least favorite thing on my daily to-do list is to go to work each morning. I would rather stay home and love on the kitties and craft all day. {Sigh} But someone does have to earn the money to feed everybody and I don’t see Toby signing up for anything. Hey! Wait a minute! If you hadn’t had me neutered I could have been passing along my superior genes for a hefty price!!!! That’s true, but I wouldn’t have you any other way than you are right now!! 

3. I could really do without the other cats competing for mom-time. I could really do without so many cranky people in the world. 189

4. I would love to have more outside time off leash!!! I would love to have more money to have the freedom to not work full time and still take care of my babies!!1019d


Thanks, Miss Ellen and Miss Annie, for hosting the Friday Fill-ins! We have fun each week coming up with answers to your crazy questions!! 

And if you, our dear reader, wish to read more Friday Fill-ins, please click on either name above to be whisked away to a couple of outstanding blogs!!!

Love and peace to you all!!

peace out

Toby and the Moving & Wrecking Crew

PS.. guess who’s coming to visit all next week?! I’ll give you a hint…he’s a he, he’s really big, has four legs, and is slobbery and stinky. Did you figure it out? I’ll tell you in a couple of days!!!


Friday Fill-ins!!!

It’s time once again for Friendly Friday Fill-ins!!! Also, Happy Gotcha Day to our friend Phoebe, who came to live with Miss Ellen (15andMeowing) 14 years ago!!!

For the fill-in’s, my answers are in Orange and mom’s are in Pink!!


1. My inner child is very spoiled. My inner kitten is even more spoiled than mom’s inner child is!!.inner kitten

2. My favorite month is October – I love the falling leaves, the cool, crispness of the air and its a wonderful break after the heat of summer and the frigid temps of winter. My favorite month is December because then its finally cold enough for me to start sleeping with mom again!!!cat in leaves

3. My favourite commercial is any and all cat food ones, because, well, duh!!!. I don’t currently have a favorite commercial, but I do like the ones that show cats doing funny things.20130409-catvertising-1

4. Personally, I don’t care for flea medication application day. Personally I don’t care for raw tomatoes and onions and mushrooms of any kind. cat_freaked_out_illustration


FFBadgeThanks Miss Ellen and Miss Annie for hosting another fun round of Friday Fill-ins!! I’m sorry there won’t be any posts over the weekend but we are working on a special announcement next week!! Have a great weekend, everyone!!

Love, Toby005


Friendly Fill-In Time!!!

Is everybody ready for the weekend?? I know I am because it means more cuddle time with mom!!!

We’re doing the Fill-in’s this week sponsored by Miss Ellen and Miss Annie! Here are the questions. My answers are in orange and mom’s are in green

1. My favorite line from a film is not a line – but an action – the one where in the Secret Life of Pets, Chloe takes a look at the food her human put down for her and in one swipe she sweeps it away across the room! Mom says that’s just like me!

 My favorite line from a film is 112564-harry-potter-and-the-deathly-hallows-quotes 

2. Other than blogs, a website I visit often is does Miss Ellen‘s blog qualify? Even though I don’t comment all the time I do visit every day. I have to keep an eye on my Sweet Penny! toby aviation dayThe website I visit most often is the Virginia Beach Public Library site. I visit at least once a day, sometimes more!!

3. When I feel down, I have a snack and then take a nap in the sun!!image When I feel down, I cuddle Toby and take a nap!0219a

4. If I could fly, I would visit Sweet Penny everyday and be back home in time for supper!!cat-flying-plane-illustration-66807454

 If I could predict the powerball numbers, I would play, win, and pay off my debts and my mom’s and sister’s debts and retire immediately!lottery-winners


FFBadge Click on Miss Ellen’s or Miss Annie’s name above to see more Fill-in responses!!


Before we say ‘See ya later’, we want to acknowledge three new angels that have flown to the Rainbow Bridge. Please click on the badges to visit the family:


Marg’s Animals


Cosmo Capers


Friends FurEver

We pray their families may find comfort and peace in each other and in their memories of these angel kitties.dovea


So, now we say, see ya later, alligator!giphy


Friday Fill-in Time!!

Hey folks! It’s time for Friday Fill-ins! Let’s get started!! My answers are in red and blue in honor of the holiday weekend! (mom is bowing out this week).

1. My next adventure will be at the end of summer. What will it be, you ask? Ha!! You’ll have to wait to find out!!0630 1


2. Fireworks freak out ehfurrybody but me; however they do make me a little nervous. I usually like to be wrapped in mom’s arms when they’re going off.0630 2


3. Freedom is being loved unconditionally.


4. This week, I am we are all thankful for a home, family and food!


I hope everybody has a gr-r-r-r-reat holiday weekend!!!!


FFBadge Visit Miss Ellen or Miss Annie for more Friday Fill-ins!!

cat 4th of july

Yippee! It’s Friday!!

0623 a

Hello kitties, doggies and humans!!

I got to go outside on Tuesday!!! Our landlord is selling the duplex where we live so we’ve had to suffer through strangers walking through the house. Everybody else hides but I usually show the potential buyers around the house because mom isn’t home. Mom says she appreciates how I greet them at the door and then says good-bye to them as well. I like the company!!! Anyway, mom was home relaxing when a realtor turned up unexpectedly so, rather than stay inside while the folks looked around, we went outside. It was so nice!!! but I hadn’t had supper yet so I didn’t want to stay outside too long because my tummy was talking!  

Enough of all that; here’s our fill in’s for the week. Mom’s answers are in purple this week and mine are in red (I thought we’d switch up from the usual pink and orange!!!). Enjoy!

1. A recurring dream I have is falling in space – when I was a kitten my foster mom had kept my family in a box on a shelf in her closet (she had BIG DOGS!) and I kept wanting to explore so over the side I would go. After about the 5th time she found me on the floor crawling around she finally moved the box to floor level. It was that, she said, or fit me with a football helmet!! falling cat During times of stress I dream I’m traveling down a never ending road, usually up a mountain where I never reach the top.

2. Turn kitty kibble into delicious cat treats!! Catnip Brownies - Cool!Turn war and hatred into peace and love is my hope and prayer.

3. PeggySue is driving me crazy! All she wants to do is play!!! 0623bMy job is driving me crazy. If it weren’t for the great benefits (which make up for the poor pay) I would have moved on years ago.

4. Lately, I have been thinking I want to spend more time with my grandmama. 0623cLately I’ve been thinking about retiring in about 10 years. 


Thank you Miss Ellen and Miss McGuffy for hosting this Fun Friday Fill-in!!! And thank YOU for stopping by!! We’ll see you soon!!!

Love, Toby and the Wrecking Crew


PS…this is for my lady love, Penny.  Who loves ya, babe?falling in love