Friday Fill-ins!!!

It’s time once again for Friendly Friday Fill-ins!!! Also, Happy Gotcha Day to our friend Phoebe, who came to live with Miss Ellen (15andMeowing) 14 years ago!!!

For the fill-in’s, my answers are in Orange and mom’s are in Pink!!


1. My inner child is very spoiled. My inner kitten is even more spoiled than mom’s inner child is!!.inner kitten

2. My favorite month is October – I love the falling leaves, the cool, crispness of the air and its a wonderful break after the heat of summer and the frigid temps of winter. My favorite month is December because then its finally cold enough for me to start sleeping with mom again!!!cat in leaves

3. My favourite commercial is any and all cat food ones, because, well, duh!!!. I don’t currently have a favorite commercial, but I do like the ones that show cats doing funny things.20130409-catvertising-1

4. Personally, I don’t care for flea medication application day. Personally I don’t care for raw tomatoes and onions and mushrooms of any kind. cat_freaked_out_illustration


FFBadgeThanks Miss Ellen and Miss Annie for hosting another fun round of Friday Fill-ins!! I’m sorry there won’t be any posts over the weekend but we are working on a special announcement next week!! Have a great weekend, everyone!!

Love, Toby005


11 thoughts on “Friday Fill-ins!!!

  1. You are such a cutie Toby. Thank you both for these great answers. I am glad your Mom is good to her inner child, I am good to mine too. October is my favorite too, but December is a close second. I like cooler weather. Have a nice weekend! XO

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Kitty, maybe you should get your people to get you some of those flea medications you eat like a treat. I know they have them for dogs. Maybe they have them for cats, too. Our grand-puppy Petra gets one per month and looks forward to it.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That is a sweet photo, Toby. 🙂

    I think pet food commercials are fun, too. I still remember the old Gravy Train commercials from back when I was a kid, with the covered wagon driving through the kitchen. Those were great.

    I love cooler weather, too. It is still hot here in October, November, and December. Sometimes January considers being cold, but often sits down until the feeling passes. Winter was all of three days this last time.

    Have a blessed evening.


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