Friendly Fill-In Time!!!

Is everybody ready for the weekend?? I know I am because it means more cuddle time with mom!!!

We’re doing the Fill-in’s this week sponsored by Miss Ellen and Miss Annie! Here are the questions. My answers are in orange and mom’s are in green

1. My favorite line from a film is not a line – but an action – the one where in the Secret Life of Pets, Chloe takes a look at the food her human put down for her and in one swipe she sweeps it away across the room! Mom says that’s just like me!

 My favorite line from a film is 112564-harry-potter-and-the-deathly-hallows-quotes 

2. Other than blogs, a website I visit often is does Miss Ellen‘s blog qualify? Even though I don’t comment all the time I do visit every day. I have to keep an eye on my Sweet Penny! toby aviation dayThe website I visit most often is the Virginia Beach Public Library site. I visit at least once a day, sometimes more!!

3. When I feel down, I have a snack and then take a nap in the sun!!image When I feel down, I cuddle Toby and take a nap!0219a

4. If I could fly, I would visit Sweet Penny everyday and be back home in time for supper!!cat-flying-plane-illustration-66807454

 If I could predict the powerball numbers, I would play, win, and pay off my debts and my mom’s and sister’s debts and retire immediately!lottery-winners


FFBadge Click on Miss Ellen’s or Miss Annie’s name above to see more Fill-in responses!!


Before we say ‘See ya later’, we want to acknowledge three new angels that have flown to the Rainbow Bridge. Please click on the badges to visit the family:


Marg’s Animals


Cosmo Capers


Friends FurEver

We pray their families may find comfort and peace in each other and in their memories of these angel kitties.dovea


So, now we say, see ya later, alligator!giphy