Old Bill, Otis, Old English Sheepdog, and Ofelia

blog az title bannerO is for Old Bill, Otis, Old English Sheepdog and Ofelia.

presidents todayRutherford B. Hayes (1877-1881), Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929), Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945), and George W. Bush (1989-1993).


Old Bill

Among President Calvin Coolidge’s menagerie was a thrush named Old Bill. (vintage representation)

old bill   coolidge



President Rutherford B. Hayes had yet another dog – a miniature schnauzer named Otis. As with the other dogs, not much is known about him. (representative photo)otis  rhayes


Old English Sheepdog

President Franklin D. Roosevelt had another dog besides Fala (who will be discussed on a later date) – he had an Old English Sheepdog named Tiny. (vintage representative photo)

tiny FDR



President George W. Bush technically didn’t have a longhorn in the White House but because she was named Ofelia and because there is a photo of her, I included her under the letter “O”. She lived at Mr. Bush’s Texas ranch with her offspring Ellie and Logan.


OH Boy! Halfway through the month and still more animals /pets to go! What/who is coming up? Famous pets named Bo, Barney and Fala; and the not-so-famous like ZsaZsa, Veto and Rolo. Super unusual pets named Billy, Josiah and Mr. Reciprocity. I’ve also got a couple of famous cats and a few war horses to write about. So stay tuned, come back and hang in there with me all the way to the end!!!


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