Friday Fill-ins!

It’s Friday Fill-in time!  

1. My guiding word for 2017 is  2 words: more treats! 065
2. What is a  class reunion? Mom’s never been to hers, she says, because she hated high school and has no wish to revisit those years or people. 1212a
3. Truth be told I am superstitious about nothing; mom doesn’t travel on July 4th but that’s the only superstition she has. 0702b


4. Lately, I have been not getting enough snuggle time with mom.188

Thanks Ellen and McGuffy for hosting!! ellen_cat_badge_2-1 Go HERE for more fill-in fun!!!

Today is also jamisonbadge2. Jamison has passed over the Rainbow Bridge due to injuries from a dog attack. Please visit his family to offer condolences if you wish. 



We’ll see you tomorrow for Caturday Art!!