Doin’ the Happy Dance!

It’s Friendly Fill-ins time!!! Plus it’s Friday! – pardon me while I do the happy dance – !cute-kitty-animated-gif-67


Here are the questions from Miss Ellen and Miss McGuffy (click on their names to go to their blogs. As always, my answers are FIRST and in Orange and mom’s are in Pink!

1. a prop from a tv show or film I would like to own is the cool light up collar from the movie, The Cat From Outer Space. 

I would love to own Professor Snape’s wand from the Harry Potter Movies. I always felt sorry for him but even more so when I found he was in love with Harry’s mom.


2. My oldest friendship is with my mom, of course!!189

 Toby! You took my answer!!! My mom and my sister are my oldest friendships!


3. Whenever I sit by the door, I always try to sneak outside. And whenever I see Toby anywhere near the front door, I always keep an extra eye out for his sneaky self. 0609b I won’t even dignify that answer with a response.


4. The best thing about being me is me!!!0609 a

The best ice cream is Turkey Hill Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup. I could eat it by the bucket load and never get sick of it. Of course, I wouldn’t be able to move around so I save it for a special treat!yum


Mom and I had a great time answering this weeks questions! We’ll be back soon!

Love always, Toby




10 thoughts on “Doin’ the Happy Dance!

  1. Thank you both for these great answers. I love that ice cream too, Friendly’s has an amazing one called extreme sundae which is chocolate and swirled with peanut butter and pb cups- so good. Toby, you are naughty to try to go outside, you are safer inside just ask all your siblings who lived out there. That is sweet that your Mom is so close with her mom and sister. Have a great weekend! Maybe your Mom will take you for a walk Toby. XO

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Luv all da fotos. Hey, did you know you can get one of those light up collars fur da cheap on yep, mommy saw them just da other day when she was lookin’ fur collars fur us. No lights here tho’. MOL Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

    Liked by 1 person

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