Friday Fill-In Time!!

Are you ready for some Friday Fill-ins???? I am! Let’s go!! My answers are in Red this week and mom’s will be in Blue!!

1. My favorite thing on my daily to-do list is EAT, bathe, and sleep – in that order!! My favorite thing on my daily to-do list is coming home each night to my furbabies, laying on my bed and letting them crawl all over me saying hello.156

2. My least favorite thing on my daily to-do list is say goodbye to mom in the morning when she goes to work.  My least favorite thing on my daily to-do list is to go to work each morning. I would rather stay home and love on the kitties and craft all day. {Sigh} But someone does have to earn the money to feed everybody and I don’t see Toby signing up for anything. Hey! Wait a minute! If you hadn’t had me neutered I could have been passing along my superior genes for a hefty price!!!! That’s true, but I wouldn’t have you any other way than you are right now!! 

3. I could really do without the other cats competing for mom-time. I could really do without so many cranky people in the world. 189

4. I would love to have more outside time off leash!!! I would love to have more money to have the freedom to not work full time and still take care of my babies!!1019d


Thanks, Miss Ellen and Miss Annie, for hosting the Friday Fill-ins! We have fun each week coming up with answers to your crazy questions!! 

And if you, our dear reader, wish to read more Friday Fill-ins, please click on either name above to be whisked away to a couple of outstanding blogs!!!

Love and peace to you all!!

peace out

Toby and the Moving & Wrecking Crew

PS.. guess who’s coming to visit all next week?! I’ll give you a hint…he’s a he, he’s really big, has four legs, and is slobbery and stinky. Did you figure it out? I’ll tell you in a couple of days!!!


7 thoughts on “Friday Fill-In Time!!

  1. What kind of job do you have? What kind of crafting do you like to do? Maybe there is a way that you can make a business out of one or both of these things and work from home. Sometimes we need to “think outside the box” as they say and the right idea will come to us. It doesn’t happen overnight, though. I hope that you’ll get to live your dream and soon!

    Have a blessed week.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great answers from you both. Penny is glad you are neutered Toby. I am sure it is hard for you to share your Mom, but everyone loves her and wants to be with her too. Who is coming next week?
    Have a nice weekend! XO

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Life without cranky people would be good. When we worked retail, I used to try to improve their mood. I would do this either by just listening to them vent and nodding along, or joking with them. We often had a word of prayer. Once we had a word of prayer and some of the gang members in the store bowed their heads in prayer, too. It was an awesome moment.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Your fill-ins were purrfect, and the last photo is so beautiful with the different colors and Toby taking center stage. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


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