Time for Friday Fill-ins!

0913aYippee! It’s time for Friday Fill-ins!!  First a disclaimer – can you BELIEVE mom didn’t take any NEW photos of me (or anyone else) this week (WHY? Mom. Why?) So we’ll be using old photos, but then any photo of me is a good photo!!! (I see I have Hercule Periot over my shoulder. I hope he doesn’t suspect me for a murder or something!!!)

On to the Fill-ins!

08311. The first thing I check when I go online is check out my blog. I want to see if everything is okay and it didn’t disappear for some weird reason. Then I go to emails!!

0282. My signature dish is well, I don’t have one. But Mom’s signature dish is banana pepper corn. She makes it once a year and takes it to Thanksgiving celebration.

halloween-toby3. My Halloween night is usually pretty quiet. It’s the only night of the year mom turns off the porch light to keep the million kids in our neighborhood from stopping by. She said if it was just me she’d welcome trick or treaters but having a house full of formerly feral cats means they all freak out at other humans and the constant knocking of the door and shouting of “Trick or Treak” would be too cruel. At least that what mom says. I think it would be fun to see all sorts of miniature humans.
pirate-day-a4. Trick or treaters see answer above. I wish mom would take me trick or treating!! I would dress up as a pirate!
I missed this last week’s Teaser from Sammy at OneSpoiledCat but I am proud to display the new Greenie badge!!
Thanks to 15andMeowing and McGuffy’s Reader for hosting today’s Fill-ins!!!
We’ll see you tomorrow for Caturday Art and Sunday for Sunday Selfies!! Mom won’t be online again until Monday so we won’t be able to link up on the linky things but please visit us any way!!!

15 thoughts on “Time for Friday Fill-ins!

  1. I think you’d make a great pirate. Your mama probably has a good idea. It wouldn’t be nice to scare the other kitties with the little people and the masks. You never know when one might get loose and maybe attack a child. That would be very bad in a multitude of ways.

    Here’s to a fun Halloween at your house and a blessed weekend. 🙂


  2. Well we think any foto of ya’ll are gawjus. You be lookin’ very handsum and we’re sure you didn’t change all dat much in a week. Big hugs to all. Have a great weekend.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena


    • Funny! We didn’t realize how it read. Sorry. It is as you said. Super simple recipie – a can of corn, drained; a can of cream corn; a brick of cream cheese; a half stick of butter; banana peppers chopped up, enough to your liking. Stir it all together in a casserole dish and bake at 350 until everything is melted and hot, stirring occasionally to make sure the yummy goodness is mixed well and that’s it! Not at all healthy but when you only eat it once a year who cares!!


  3. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I can see why your Mom doesn’t want to scare the others with the doorbell. You are a very cute pirate- Penny would love to be your pirate wench 🙂 Wait til you see her costume this year, it is funny. We had a lot of banana peppers in the garden this year, I could have used that recipe. Have a great weekend! XO PS: We sent you a package today, it should be there on Halloween.


  4. You’d make a wonderful pirate! But I think your mama has a good heart and knows that all that extra noise would be pretty scary to some of your furry siblings there. Tell her she should buy extra cat treats for all of you since she doesn’t have to buy any for trick-or-treaters!


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